/* * register.js */ /** * scrive in html se non passo la classe si intende rosso, se no "green" * @param {type} htmlText * @param {type} classeTipo * @returns {undefined} */ function my_alert(htmlText, classeTipo) { $("#my_alertMessage").removeClass("green") $("#my_alertMessage").html(htmlText) if (classeTipo != undefined) { $("#my_alertMessage").addClass(classeTipo) } $("#my_alertMessage").show() } /** * esistono #captcha-n1, #captcha-n2 e #captcha-ope #captcha-result e #captcha-label * numeri interi tra 1 e 9 e + - * * @returns {undefined} */ function captchaPopulate() { var n1 = parseInt(Math.random() * 9) + 1 var n2 = parseInt(Math.random() * 9) + 1 var ope = parseInt(Math.random() * 3) var operazioni = ["+", "*", "-"] $("#captcha-n1").text(n1) $("#captcha-n2").text(n2) $("#captcha-ope").text(operazioni[ope]) } function captchaCheck() { var n1 = $("#captcha-n1").text() var n2 = $("#captcha-n2").text() var ope = $("#captcha-ope").text() var result = String($.trim($("#captcha-result").val())) var resultOk = String(eval(n1 + ope + n2)) console.log(result, resultOk, result === resultOk) if (result !== resultOk) { my_alert("captcha control fails! Enter a right answer, like " + resultOk) $("#captcha-result").css("border-color", "red"); $("#captcha-label").removeClass("captcha-pass") return false; } else { $("#captcha-label").addClass("captcha-pass") $("#captcha-result").css("border-color", "initial"); return true; } } $(document).ready(function () { $("#name").focus() var appInfo = new Object(); var gwInfo = new Object(); appInfo = getAppInfo(); gwInfo = getGatewayInfo(); $("#content").show(); $("#btnRegister").show(); $("#result").text(""); //console.log(appInfo); //console.log(gwInfo); var register = function () { var userData = new Object(); var dest; var mitt = dest = "000000000000"; var error = false; var name = ""; var surname = ""; var address = ""; var city = ""; var prov = ""; var cap = ""; var state = ""; var email = ""; var email2 = ""; // Not used var phone1 = ""; var phone2 = ""; // Not used userData.name = $("#name").val(); userData.surname = $("#surname").val(); userData.address = $("#address").val(); userData.city = $("#city").val(); userData.prov = $("#prov").val(); userData.cap = $("#cap").val(); userData.state = $("#state").val(); userData.email = $("#email").val(); userData.email2 = $("#email").val(); userData.phone1 = $("#phone1").val(); userData.phone2 = $("#phone1").val(); userData.password = $("#password").val(); userData.repassword = $("#rePassword").val(); userData.macAddress = $("#macAddress1").val() + "-" + $("#macAddress2").val() + "-" + $("#macAddress3").val(); userData.macAddress1 = $("#macAddress1").val(); userData.macAddress2 = $("#macAddress2").val(); userData.macAddress3 = $("#macAddress3").val(); userData.productId = $("#productId").val(); console.log(showProp(userData)) if (userData.name == "") { error = true; showError("name"); return false } ; if (userData.surname == "") { error = true; showError("surname"); return false } ; if (userData.email == "") { error = true; showError("email"); return false } if (!isValidEmail(userData.email)) { error = true; showError("email"); return false; } if (userData.password == "") { error = true; showError("password"); return false } if (userData.repassword == "") { error = true; showError("rePassword"); return false } if (userData.password != userData.repassword) { error = true; showError("password"); return false } if ($.trim(userData.productId).length < 6) { //lunghezza productId alfanumerico 6 caratteri error = true; showError("PID"); return false } if (!checkMacAddress(userData.macAddress1, userData.macAddress2, userData.macAddress3, userData.productId)) { error = true; showError("macAddress"); return false } if (!captchaCheck()) { return false; } //console.log("fine controlli") if (!error) { //viene chiamato il comando 300 ma del newManageReq che da non abilitati var postData = JSON.stringify(createReqArray(mitt, dest, 1300, 1, userData)); var urlManageReq = "../common/manageReq.php" //punta a quello esterno protetto da pw xhr = $.ajax({ url: urlManageReq, data: postData, type: "POST", dataType: "JSON" }); console.log("invio a " + urlManageReq, postData) xhr.done(function (data) { console.log("ritorno", data) $("#content").hide(); $("#btnRegister").hide(); if (data[1].st == 0) { my_alert("Exception"); } else if (data[1].st == 1) { my_alert("User registered successfully! Wait for the approval of the technical support.", "green"); } else if (data[1].st == 2) { my_alert("Missing param error"); } else if (data[1].st == 3) { my_alert("No data found"); } else if (data[1].st == 4) { my_alert("JSON syntax error"); } else if (data[1].st == 5) { my_alert("Command not permitted"); } else if (data[1].st == 6) { my_alert("User already registered!"); } else { my_alert("Unknow exception") console.log(data) } }); xhr.fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus) { my_alert("error fail
" + textStatus) console.log(jqXHR) }); xhr.always(function (data) { console.log("always:", data) }); } return error; }; $(".form-control").change(function () { $(this).css("border-color", "initial"); $("#my_alertMessage").hide(); }) var showError = function (divId) { console.log("showError") //$("#" + divId).append(" *"); $("#" + divId).css("border-color", "red").focus(); my_alert("Error
" + divId + ": the value of this field is null or invalid!") }; $("#btnSubmit").click(function (event) { $(".spanError").remove(); register(); }); captchaPopulate() }); $(function () { $("input[autocomplete=off]").css("color", ) setTimeout(function () { console.log("svuoto campi..") $("input[autocomplete=off]").val("") }, 500) setTimeout(function () { console.log("svuoto campi..") $("input[autocomplete=off]").val("") }, 1000) })